Jeremy Anifacc World Labyrinth 世界迷宫


听见不一样的声音, 感受, 体会这个世界.



‘Wisdom’, as Bible teacher Joyce Meyer says, ‘is choosing to do now what you will be happy with later on’.


Dealing with people requires a different approach, however. You are to treat people with dignity, respect, and love. For myself, I had to learn how to be a “lion-hearted lamb”, spiritually strong in dealing with the enemy and meek and gentle in dealing with people.

Do not be judgmental

We are not to take pleasure in judging others, not to enjoy seeking out other people’s failings or presuming their actions spring from bad motives. If we knew what people had been through, their sorrow and their suffering, we would not be so quick to judge. Jesus tells us to get our own lives sorted out first. We are to change ourselves before we try and change other people (7:1–5). Rather than sowing harsh criticism and judgment, sow mercy, kindness and love.

I’m after mercy, not religion.’ I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.”’ (vv.12–13, MSG).

God is the God of acceleration. He is able to speed things up at a much faster rate than is humanly possible.


The words you speak really matter. Joyce Meyer writes, ‘Every word we speak can either be a brick to build or a bulldozer to destroy.’ Whatever is stored up in your heart will sooner or later be expressed by your words. Be careful what you look at, read and think about. Fill your heart with good things and you will think good thoughts, speak good words and bear good fruit (v.33).


Your spiritual roots are the parts of your life that no one else sees – your secret life with God. This includes your prayers, your giving and your thought life. If you want to fulfil your potential make sure you develop deep, strong and healthy roots in your relationship with God.

‘the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did’ (Genesis 39:23).

‘Great faith is a product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials,’ said Smith Wigglesworth. ‘I cannot… but God will’ (Genesis 41:16).

以上内容来自: Bible in One Year 2019 Devotional


2019-02-12 汇总整理


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