01 Apr 2019Life is not a competition that you have to win. It is not supposed to be a rat race. Life is a huge privilege and an opportunity. God has trusted you with gifts and abilities, which he wants you to use. Use them or lose them. He is faithful to us and he expects us to be faithful to him. @ Bible in One Year 2019
One Thing
倚仗自己财物的,必跌倒;义人必发旺,如青叶。 (箴言11:28 和合本)
He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. (Proverbs11:28 KJV)
你們中間的爭戰鬥毆是從哪裏來的呢?不是從你們百體中戰鬥之私慾來的嗎? 你們貪戀,還是得不著;你們殺害嫉妒,又鬥毆爭戰,也不能得。你們得不著,是因為你們不求。 你們求也得不著,是因為你們妄求,要浪費在你們的宴樂中。 你們這些淫亂的人哪,豈不知與世俗為友就是與 神為敵嗎?所以凡想要與世俗為友的,就是與 神為敵了。【雅四 1-4】
The idea of “you can find a job immediately after getting a degree or certificat… Hacker News:
I tend to hire a lot more people that personally tinker without certifications, than those with certifications that don’t have a pet project.
Certification proves memorization. Tinkering proves interest. I don’t want a candidate that is not interested personally.
“Anyone who came into contact with Sir John would immediately realize his openness to new ideas. Many professional investors react angrily to the suggestion that there is a better investment method than the one they have chosen to be their own. Sir John, in our direct experience, was the exact opposite.” @Templeton’s Way With Money: Strategies and Philosophy of a Legendary Investor
“For him, investment was a never-ending search for more and better ways of investing. He was willing to consider any potential method of identifying investment opportunities, however hare-brained they might seem at first sight.” @Templeton’s Way With Money: Strategies and Philosophy of a Legendary Investor
“What makes a quality company? Some of the characteristics he looked for were: a strong management team with a proven track record; evidence of technological leadership; an industry “with continued growth potential; a respected and valuable brand; and low-cost production. In essence, he was looking for companies that enjoyed a sustainable competitive advantage within a supportive environment. While an investor is unlikely to find all these characteristics in one company, there should be at least a number of identifiable sources of competitive superiority, just as you look for three or four stars in a restaurant.” — Excerpt From Templeton’s Way With Money: Strategies and Philosophy of a Legendary Investor Alasdair Nairn This material may be protected by copyright. Excerpt From Templeton’s Way With Money: Strategies and Philosophy of a Legendary Investor Alasdair Nairn This material may be protected by copyright.
诚如管理学泰斗彼得·德鲁克所言:“预测未来的最好方式,是亲手创造它。” @人性的弱点 译者后记 正如亨利·詹姆斯所言:“婚姻的第一课,是学会尊重对方独有的生活之道。当然,不干涉对方并不等同于放弃自我。” 请记住这个重要的观点:“婚姻的第一课,是学会尊重对方独有的生活之道。” @人性的弱点
对于女人在化妆打扮上花费的种种努力,男人应当时时表示赞赏。男人们总是忽视女人对于时装有多么热衷。女人上街的时候,几乎很少看男人;她们的关注点完全在于街上的其他女人是怎么穿着打扮的。 @人性的弱点
2019-03-24 Init
2019-04-01 汇总
人生苦短, 为欢几何.